COVID 19 – Double Pandemic for Persons with Disabilities

by- Aadya Ambastha “Disabled people are not only the most deprived human beings in the developing world, but they also are the most neglected.” -Amartya Sen Disability is a complex phenomenon. According to the World Health Organization, the term “disability” covers three things. First being impairment which is a complication in body structure and function.... Continue Reading →

mHealth: Expanding Access to Healthcare and the Legal Challenges in Indian Context

by-Raj Shekhar & Ujjwal Singh   “The hare of science and technology lurches ahead. The tortoise of the law ambles slowly behind”[i] Introduction: mHealth Revolutionizing the Traditional Health Care The World Health Organisation defines digital health as “a broad umbrella term encompassing eHealth, as well as emerging areas, such as the use of advanced computing... Continue Reading →

Mental Healthcare in Consonance with Nationwide Lockdown

by- Shambhavi Singh, Kumar Aditya Abstract The ongoing pandemic is hitting life across the globe - toppling structures and economies globally. This blog highlights the Indian overview of the pandemic on Mental healthcare amid nationwide lockdown. According to India's National Mental Health Survey 2015-16, 10.6 per cent of India's 1.3 billion population suffers from mental... Continue Reading →


by- KAVYA ARORA                              Introduction In 2015, the health ministry had made plans to set up E-Health care systems in India, to promote and regulate the implementation of E-Health solutions and to set standards for the health sector. Electronic Health means to... Continue Reading →

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